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NDIS Support Coordination

At your NDIS Planning Meeting you can ask for Support Coordination to help you get started on the things in your Plan.

There are three levels of Support Coordination:

  1. Support Connection
  2. Coordination of Supports
  3. Specialist Support Coordination

Support Connection:

This is added to a plan when an individual needs a small amount of support to get started. Support Connection in some areas is typically done by the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) who will:

Coordination of Supports       

ALARA is registered with the NDIA to provide Coordination of Supports.

As your Support Coordinator we can:

The aim is to ensure that you have maximum choice and information about potential providers.

ALARA’s Support Coordination Services are operationally separate from our direct service and we have a Conflict of Interest Policy in operation to ensure you are offered the widest range of local options available.

ALARA holds an extensive register of local providers and services from many years of work with Your Life Your Choice Clients, the Emergency Funding Initiative and the Older Carer Initiative program as well as our strong networks in the local communities in which we work.

Specialist Support Coordination

This level of support is for people with very complex needs who require case management support and potentially have high levels of risk in their situation.

Specialist Coordination agencies are required to employ appropriately qualified and registered Allied Health professionals. This is outside ALARA’s current service offerings but we will look at engaging appropriate staff and registering for this service type in the future if there is sufficient demand.

