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NDIS Plan Management

ALARA’s NDIS Plan Management services gives you all the benefits of self-management without the financial, administrative and coordination workload.

With assistance from an ALARA Plan Manager you have the option of engaging NDIA registered or unregistered services to provide your support. This for example would mean you could continue to receive support from your local sole trader therapist who does not wish to go through the NDIA registration process.

ALARA can provide both financial intermediary activities or service intermediary services or both types of support.

Financial intermediary services include:

Service intermediary services include:

As a local provider for 25 years ALARA has well developed financial systems and maintains comprehensive data base of local service providers. The Plan Management Unit is functionally independent from our services area and operates under a strict NDIS - Conflict of Interest and is tasked to ensure you have the opportunity to consider the broadest range of provider options.

The costs of Plan Management do not come from your support budget. If you choose to use Plan Management service the NDIA will add funds to cover this cost.

*If you require a greater level of support in sourcing and negotiating services and supports or in designing programs to increase your community connections and build capacity and resilience, we all recommend that you also request funding for Support Coordination and Connection.