Sporting and Special Interest Groups
ALARA operates a range of sporting programs and special interest groups in each area.
The groups featured below are just a small sample of what is on offer and new opportunities are constantly developing as we identify people who share a particular passion.
To express and interest in being part of an interest group contact or share your great idea contact our Intake Officer on 07 38170600.
ALARA Jets Football Team
Each week during football season the ALARA Jets train with members of the TAE Aerospace Ipswich Jets and community members. This collaboration with the TAE Aerospace Ipswich Jets team has seen players grow in skill and confidence, not only on but off the field. The team competes through the season through a variety of different opportunities.
'Respect-da-Bull' ALARA Darts Team
The ALARA Darts Team was established in August 2014 and practice each Monday at the West Moreton Darts Association and receive coaching from membersof this community group. Each week participants skill levels increase and they have already had some great success against local challengers.
LAN Groups
The LAN Group or (Local Area Access) Group meets one night per week to share their interest in computers and computer games. Participants are welcome to bring along their own laptop and multiplayer games or use the laptops provided on the night. Participants must be 18 years of age and over.