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Queensland Community Support Scheme

Are you a person with a disability who is under 65 or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person aged under 50 and not eligible for support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme?

You may be eligible for assistance through the Queensland Community Support Scheme (QCSS).  ALARA is funded by the Queensland Government's Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors as a QCSS Provider in the Ipswich, Lockyer and Somerset areas.

The QCSS provides supports to people who have a long term disability, chronic illness, mental health or other condition that impacts on their day to day functional capacity and ability to participate in the community.

The QCSS is based on the underlying principle that individuals can, and want, to achieve outcomes that are meaningful to them and be responsible for their wellbeing.  While the cause of their functional impairment may be long term, support interventions are primarily time-limited and targeted.

The Scheme can provide a small amount of targeted assistance and can significantly contribute to the individual maintaining or regaining independence, continuing to live safely in their homes, and actively participating in their communities.

The intended outcome for people being supported through the QCSS is to:

Under the QCSS service model, a small co-contribution is required from participants.  Fee relief arrangements are available for people under financial stress.

All new applicants for QCSS supports must contact the free telephone and web portal based, state-wide QCSS Access Point.  To apply, you can phone the Queensland Community Support Scheme Access Point on 1800 600 300 or complete a self-registration form.
