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ALARA is registered with the NDIS to provide the following services:


Plan Management

ALARA provides both financial and service intermediary services for individuals who choose the Plan Management option for the management of their funds. This is an area in which we have extensive experience and great IT systems.


Support Coordination

As part of your NDIS planning meeting, you can ask for funding for Support Coordination to set up and coordinate your services and supports. Your services may be complex with a number of organisations providing different supports at different times. ALARA’s Support Coordination services can assist you to explore the range of service and support opportunities available to you and to purchase and coordinate those supports. ALARA has been providing a similar service for a number of years for Your Life, Your Choice, Older Carer Initiative and Emergency funded clients. Our Support Coordinators have an extensive knowledge of local options and opportunities.


Assistance with Personal Activities and Daily Tasks/Shared Living

ALARA can provide assistance with or supervision of the personal tasks of daily life to enable you to live as independently as possible. This includes assistance to get in and out of bed, showering, bathing and personal hygiene, getting dressed and having your meals. This support can be provided at home, in the community or in another relevant setting. This support can be provided individually, in a host family arrangement or where participants are sharing the same household or living in cluster units. If your needs for daily personal activities are more complex, we can assist with the high intensity daily personal activities services.


Household Tasks

If you need assistance with household tasks, we can support you with meal planning and preparation, food shopping, cleaning and other domestic tasks, spring cleans, washing and ironing your clothes and other household tasks.


Development of Daily Living and Life Skills

The development of daily living and life skills focuses on training and development activities that improve a participant’s capacity to manage day to day life and to develop specific skills related to undertaking personal care tasks, household tasks, enhancing personal safety, travel training, financial literacy, budgeting and money management. ALARA can provide these services individually and we also run groups for people with similar goals.


Participation in the Community (including Innovative Community Participation Projects)

ALARA’s community participation support is co-designed with each person and their families. Our community participation services aim to link you to your community and to social and recreational activities that are tailored to your passions and interests. ALARA actively supports people to engage in volunteer work with participants, making a fantastic contribution to our community across the Ipswich, Lockyer and Somerset regions.

Our service delivery is flexible and can be tailored to whichever day of the week or time of day is most suitable for the individual.


Personal Training

Under the NDIS, ALARA offers a range of activities that encourage physical well-being and healthy living. Using our staff with personal training qualifications, we are also able to arrange individually tailored personal training sessions.


Group and Centre-Based Activities

ALARA offers a great range of group and centre-based opportunities designed around the interests and strengths of participants. These will be provided both at current centre-based locations as well as community locations. ALARA operates service hubs in Ipswich, Laidley and Esk.

We are cognizant of cost and supporting individuals to maximise their NDIS support budget and where appropriate and preferred, will work to match individuals and create support sharing arrangements and special interest groups.


Assistance in Coordination for Management of Life Stages and Transition

The goal of this support is to assist participants through life’s key transition points and to support the individual and participants to manage these transitions through good planning and skill development to assist the individual to build their capacity on a number of levels.